What Would the Greatest Minds in History Say about the Air Fryer?


Through the power of AI, I have questioned the best and brightest minds in history about the air fryer.

Albert Einstein: "My dear friend, the air fryer is a marvelous manifestation of human creativity! It appears to dance with the fundamental forces of thermodynamics, utilizing hot air to create a crispiness that rivals the very fabric of the cosmos. If only I had such a device during my earthly sojourn, I might have pondered the universe's mysteries over a plate of perfectly air-fried potatoes."

Betty White: "Oh, honey, the fryer! Now, that's a nifty gadget. Back in my day, we had good old frying pans, but this air fryer thingamajig is like magic, isn't it? It's like saying, 'Hey, grease, you're not the boss of me!' Plus, I hear it makes everything crispy without the guilt. What's not to love? Pass me those air-fried fries, and let's party!”

Need I say any more?


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